Friday 28 October 2011

More comic book style videos.

Thinking of trying something like this for my showreel. There isn't enough time to do something like this in anyway that would look good for our Futsal project.

Friday 21 October 2011

Futsal style

there's an intro for a football show on bbc  or maybe sky. not sure what it is so cant find it but I found it interesting nonetheless so I found this intro to a hockey game which is similar but not as good but thought I'd show it as an example of style that could be used.

Ideas for my Pitch

had an idea for a while now to make a film about homelessness in manchester. basically interviewing a couple of different guys in the street. finding out who they are, how they became homeless and what they are doing to get out of the situation they are in. I will also interview people in the street about their own opinions on homelessness and homeless people. this video i found on youtube is a good example of the style I want it to be in.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Trying new things

Friday 14 October 2011

typing alone.

This is a really good example of what you can do with type alone.

This is a graphic style that I'd like to try in my showreel. Its looks very crisp and clear. Also it's quick and eye catching.

Showreel Ideas

Why? - I am going to create this showreel for self promotion. It will be aimed at possible clients, employers or universities.

What? - It will be a short video running a maximum of two and a half minutes. It should be short, memorable and eye catching. I want to keep it simple and I don't want to get carried away with any effects. I want it to be clear examples of my work and I think adding a lot of effects could possibly distract viewers from that.

How? - To make my showreel I will edit together the best examples of my work that I have. To do this I will use Final Cut Pro. I might also use Adobe After Effects or Motion to create motion graphics visuals to make my showreel stand out that little bit more.

Fashion show loop

started editing this loop to be played on the screen at a fashion show. It's a work in progress.

fashion show loop from Andrew Ryan on Vimeo.

Friday 7 October 2011


I need to create a showreel for my self promotion module. I've been looking at other peoples for some ideas and inspiration.

This is by some French guy who looks a little bit like Chris Martin. It's very well made. I think it has all the right ingredients to make a good showreel. It's short, eye catching and memorable.

Mehdi "Minos" Idir showreel from idir mehdi on Vimeo.